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06/01/2002 Entry: "The glass is half full"
And so it was that on the fourth of May in the year two thousand two our intrepid travellers set forth from their cosy lives in the south-central part of the world's greatest nation, armed only with the power of the pen (guidebooks) and the clothes "on their backs". 28 days and 6000 km from their first stop in London, they paused to recognize the halfway point of their adventure. They looked at London, and pronounced it expensive, considered Greek ferries and denounced them as painfully slow, affirmed their desire to return to Italy someday for a more complete tour, and smiled at fond memories of the Riviera and the exotic sights they had witnessed in Spain. Our travellers tried to recognize their mistakes and successs as they steeled themselves for the most ambitious portion of their journey - navigating by car through Portugal. Grateful for the support of their family and friends they pushed on, confident that the second half of their trip would be as exciting and rewarding as the first.
Replies: 2 comments
Hey guys, I've been slowly getting more and more envious reading about your trip! Especially Spain. I was wondering, are you guys using regular cameras or digital? I guess on a long trip the digital would fill up if you didn't have a chance to upload them. But I've been using the fancy pants Future Shop order-digital-prints online thingy, it's pretty cool! although I don't know if it would work on a slow/insecure connection. Anyways, enjoy your trip and I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!
Posted by James Schellenberg @ 06/03/2002 09:20 AM EST
Hello my dears: And so it was, on the 1st of June, I turned on the Dell to find a lovely journal entry (AGAIN!) from my two favourite travellers. What a treat! We have endured a Queenston village garage sale today (from 8:30 till 2:30) then the clean up and then 2 and 1/2 hours of report cards. Only 4 more weeks until a break! Good luck navigating in Portugal--drive SLOWLY! As usual, it sounds like you two are having a great time. Be safe and keep healthy. Love you and miss you lots. Love---- MOMOMOMOM
Posted by Linda Scott @ 06/01/2002 05:29 PM EST