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04/29/2002 Entry: "Less than a week to go..."
One more move in the history books. On Friday morning my Dad brought a cube van to Toronto to pick up Jennifer and myself (and all the stuff in our apartment), and move everything to temporary homes. Since the last journal update we have also picked up our plane tickets, purchased our train passes (8 travel days in 2 months), purchased a flight from Paris to Dublin (by Ryanair, June 21), and purchased health insurance. We'll be going to CAA soon to pick up travel wallets and find more pricing info on rental cars, and we're still pouring over the travel books we've been able to get from the library, but soon we'll have nothing left to do but pack! We depart from Toronto at 9:00 Saturday (May 4) evening, and we will arrive in London at 11:00 the next morning. From there, Western Europe is our oyster!