Guestbook and Song Request
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for visiting our site.
We are no longer accepting new entries to this guestbook,
but you are welcome to browse
the comments below.
Nice Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boris <>
- Monday, July 29, 2002 at 06:47:23 (MDT)
hello together! nice site. love and peace for everybody! bye
TAS Australia - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:04:44 (MDT)
I just wanted to say congrats. It's nice to see pictures of you and Julie since I haven't see you guys in about 7 years. Anyways, wish I could have been there.
Leigh-Anne Bennici <>
Miramichi, NB Canada - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 19:58:43 (MST)
I kinda like it. Thanks!
Cherrie Nelson> <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:17:18 (MST)
Its a cool web over here. Nice.
Elaine Parask <>
Edinburg, TX USA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 22:23:21 (MST)
Hi Jennifer und Nathan !
Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland. Eure Internetseite ist toll!
Gottes reichen Segen für euren gemeinsamen Lebensweg.
Alles Liebe ( Deine Großcousine aus Deutschland) Annegret
Annegret Lange <>
Vellmar, Germany - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 13:23:50 (MDT)
Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and the years to follow. Looking forward to attending the ceremony and reception. Our favourite song is "Lady in Red". The website is very well done. See you tommorow.
Gary and Joanne Niven <>
Niagara Falls, On Canada - Friday, August 31, 2001 at 21:53:12 (MDT)
I´ve heard from Katrina, that your will married this weekend and I was totally surprised.
I wish you all the best for your marriage. All the luck of the world, a lot of childs,
healthiness and coherence in good and in bad times. Enjoy the next days and the wedding party.
Christian Schiefer <>
Hannover, Germany - Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 02:34:57 (MDT)
congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadulations and all that jazz!!!!!!!!! great site - thanx for goin to all that work keepin us uptodate with yer wedplans. i'm lookin at some of the other musical requests in the guestbook and see that mystikal or missy elliott aren't on the top 10.... but one or two hiphop or reggae songs wouldn't kill anyone, right????
karen klassen <>
winnipeg, mb Canada - Sunday, August 26, 2001 at 18:10:59 (MDT)
Nice website.....Why didn't we think of that? Did we get married before the internet was invented?
It seems just like yesterday...but I digress.....
Any DJ worth his salt will have a copy of "That's what I like about you" by the Romantics, so I won't bother requesting it.
Tobi likes the song (by the Proclaimers, we think) that goes, "I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more...." Sound familiar?
Call us if you want us to hum a few bars. Tobi reminds Harold that he liked it too....which is true.
As for our boys, any VeggieTales song would be great. Although, Isaac would be especially thrilled if the Barbara Manatee song was played (from the VeggieTales video, King George and the Duckee.)
Anyway, we are all looking forward to seeing you next week and wish you all the best.
Love, Uncle Harold, (Aunt) Tobi and your youngest cousins.
Harold and Tobi <>
Toronto, Ont Canada - Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 19:26:42 (MDT)
Hey Jen and Nathan!
Congratulations! Hope the day is just what you pictured it to be and have a great time in Algonquin.
As much as it will pain me to do this, I'll be be sure to take time out from hiking on Vancouver Island to have a pint in your honour ;)
Doug Salzwedel <>
Ottawa, ON Canada - Monday, August 20, 2001 at 19:08:42 (MDT)
NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, ONT Canada - Saturday, August 18, 2001 at 18:38:13 (MDT)
Hey Nathan, I know we haven't talked for a while but when I heard about this I thought I'd better congradulate you two and say way to go Nathan for being the first out of the Queenston boys to take the big step. Best of luck to both of you, Flynn
Flynn McCreath <flynnson!>
Vancouver, B.C Canada - Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 21:41:02 (MDT)
congrats nathan and Jennifer. I hope all the best for you in the future, and I'll
see you guys at your ***wedding***
Jamie <>
St. Kitt's, on Canada - Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 17:17:29 (MDT)
Hello from Japan! I really like your website, I know it's been said before but it is really nice. I wish I could be there. May your dreams of a perfect wedding turn into reality.
Nathan Bender <>
Kochi, KO Japan - Tuesday, August 07, 2001 at 20:43:26 (MDT)
nate! jen!
congratulations!! the web page is awesome... best wishes...
i think some al green may be in order..
james son
BC Canada - Wednesday, August 01, 2001 at 13:17:16 (MDT)
What a nice idea. Will keep those of us who live far away, informed about all the lovely gatherings you are having. Sorry we we be unable to attend, but our thoughts and prayers are with you, and our wishes for a long and happy life together. Hope all your dreams come true.Love to you, from the East Coast. Uncle Nick and Aunt Fran
Fran woelk <>
Miramichi, N.B. Canada - Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 07:41:08 (MDT)
Jennifer and Nathan
What a great website and don’t you two make a wonderful couple! Our wish for you is that you will find your life together as exciting, rewarding and fulfilling as we have found ours (30 years and still the magic continues). In terms of music, I (DL) love to dance and will dance the night away to anything your DJ plays (hopefully with Sandy at my side).
With our love
Sandy and Donna Lynne Fraser
Sandy and Donna Lynne Fraser <>
Queenston, ON Canada - Monday, July 30, 2001 at 13:42:02 (MDT)
Congrats you guys! And even though I won't be there, or in the same city at the time, I still think you should play U2.
Willie <>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 22:45:24 (MDT)
The web site looks fantastic! I noticed a couple from Thunder Bay noted "Home for a Rest" by Spirit of the West as a possible song. When Tom and I lived in Thunder Bay this was our residence theme song - great tune! Tom and I are both thinking of you as the 'big day' approaches. All the best...
Kimberly Becken <>
St. Catharines, ON Canada - Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 11:15:34 (MDT)
Okay my entry was starting to look kind of pathetic! So, looks like your invitations have made it out and people are starting to explore your site. Job well done! I would like to hear a lot of U2 at your wedding, and maybe a little Nine Inch Nails! Sound good?!?!?!?
Julie Thiessen - thee Maid of Honour! <>
Toronto, Ont. Canada - Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 11:59:23 (MDT)
Congratulations Jennifer and Nathan! It's been lots of fun to read about both of you - it's all there and that's great. One of our favourite songs that was played at Jamie and Geoff's weddings was an Irish tune called "Home for a Rest". Every under 30 year old got up on the dance floor and made the rest of us envious to be young again. Wishing you a great day.
David and Anne Perlin <>
Thunder Bay, On Canada - Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 11:46:06 (MDT)
Hey Jen! A short note of congrats from your roommie from hell!!! Just got your invitation today! Checked on ticket prices....not too bad. If we can get friday off.......we may just show up! I'll keep you posted! Later, Katrina
Katrina Gordon <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Monday, July 23, 2001 at 19:01:56 (MDT)
Hi Nate and Jenn,
(my last little entry just seemd to disappear, so if this looks like a double... it is) Anyway, Sarah H sent me a link to your 'wed-site', very cool! Best wishes on your wedding, I guess I'll have to come back to this site to see the pics.
Hope you're both doing well. I'm having a pretty lazy sunday here! Went for a little bike ride in the morning and then went surfing and that's basically it!
If the two of you are ever in Southern California... let me know! Otherwise, lets keep in touch, send me an email sometime!
all the best!
john brodie <>
Huntington Beach, CA Canada.. well not... US - Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 20:13:38 (MDT)
Very nice touch you guys. Hope we can make it home for your very special day. Sure would be nice to see everyone again!!
Bill Murtland Jr. & Family <>
North Vancouver, BC Canada - Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 21:35:39 (MDT)
Hey guys, great website. I'll have to get Nathan to hook me up with one of these when I get married!! A great song to play would be by Enya- and it's called Only Time.
Dana Scott <>
London, On Canada - Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 10:50:32 (MDT)
Hey Nate and Jennifer!
Don't get me started on a list of cool music!!! But I do suggest Thank You For Loving Me by Bon Jovi! It is such a good song! Email sometime soon!
luv ya tons
Emily! xo
Emily Gough <>
Ancaster, ON Canada - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 18:56:50 (MDT)
Wow! I must say, this web site is fantastic!! If I don't hear anything by U2, then I'm leaving!
Jennifer <>
London, ON Canada - Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 21:19:32 (MDT)
Hey guys, awesome website!
Julie Thiessen
Toronto, Ont Canada - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 21:07:40 (MDT)
Great job, guys. We enjoyed scrolling through your website. Awesome photos.
A copy of your home page is plastered to our fridge. We would like one dance to "Lady in Red".
Anne and John Thiessen <>
Virgil, Ont Canada - Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 20:40:24 (MDT)
Steve and I can't wait to share in your big day! Best Wishes!
Sandra Haverkamp <>
Ruthven, ON Canada - Monday, June 18, 2001 at 19:39:11 (MDT)
WOW! Neat. Hope you guys are AOK.
Talk to you soon.
Jennifer and Greg Loewen <>
Niagara Falls, ON Canada - Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 20:25:58 (MDT)
Hi Nathan and Jennifer: Your Wedding Site looks wonderful!!
Because some of us aren't getting any younger, a nice selection of oldies and popular songs would be great. One of my favourites is Stand By Me. Another is American Pie! You will do a wonderful job of mixing things up, we know!!
Love you guys et Bon Chance!!
Linda and David Scott <>
Queenston, ON Canada - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 18:50:49 (MDT)
Cool idea guys. I want to hear 1 Bourbon, 1 Scotch and 1 beer by either John Lee Hooker or George Thorougood. I would also like this song to be played for your first dance. How about it?
Big Al <>
Waterloo, ON Canada - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 11:12:30 (MDT)
Love the wedsite! Great work Nathan and Jennifer!
Song request:
Brown Eyed Girl
Van Morrison
Paul Hewson <>
North York, ON Canada - Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 19:09:46 (MDT)

Script created by Matt
Wright and can be found at Matt's
Script Archive